Guidance For and From Founders.

The wind and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigator.
— Edmund Gibbon

We Help Founders Navigate Uncertainty

tack, verb, nautical: to change the course of a sailing vessel by steering it into and through the wind.

FounderTack is a small team of successful founders and operators, focused on enabling other founders to succeed. We are not a consulting firm - we are active operators who believe in giving back, giving first, and being helpful.

We have raised capital. Built and restructured teams. Set strategy and executed strategy. Launched products, managed boards, optimized sales processes, and sold companies.

The way forward is not always a straight line. But there is always a way - no matter what you are facing, from closing your first deals to restructuring your leadership team. We can help.

We Put Experience To Work

We provide hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves support to founders and their teams, helping them succeed. We specialize in managing growth, operations, and fundraising for venture-scale businesses.

Whether that means spending an hour on a video call with a CEO every week or a week with the team, if we are a fit, we can and will meet you where you are.

Get Started

We’re ready to help.

We know your time is precious. We won’t waste your time. We won’t sell your email. We will help you accelerate your business.